Western Kentucky had a snow/ice storm at the beginning of March, which we didn't think would be that bad until Michael's car decided to be cruel and fall apart. The weather made it difficult to get our cars out of the parking lot, so we played it safe and stayed at home the first couple of days. Side note - the last ice storm we had back in January was harsh on Mike's car...it took both front door handles. We thought it would be a "great" idea to save money and just use a wire coat hanger to open the driver side door... Not a good idea.
What we didn't know was the hanger was putting stress on the lock mechanism for the door. Well by the middle of the week Michael decided to take my car into work (hoo-rah for front wheel drive!) and I was going to take his to school later that day. Long story short, I was able to get into his car, but when I tried to shut the door it wouldn't stay shut. The lock mechanism had completely broke, causing his car to be in the shop for three weeks getting fixed while we borrowed his sister's car. I'm so thankful for amazing family! Without Sara I wouldn't have been able to go to class and run errands.
That was just one of the recent crazy happenings, there is more :). I finished all of my hours for Extended Practicum a few weeks ago, which was bitter sweet. I had such a great time at my last placement and learned so much. I'm very thankful to have had the opportunity to learn and teach under such a great band director and music teacher, and I hope to be as good as he is someday! Middle school is definitely my favorite age group to teach.

Unlike most instrumentalist and vocalist, I am a percussionist (best instruments ever). You may ask, so what? Being a percussionist is amazing, but unfortunately I have never had the privilege of owning my own mallet instrument like a marimba (the instrument shown above) or vibraphone. Not owning one of those instruments makes it very difficult to actually practice and play one of the major instruments in the percussion family. When I first came to college I could barely play a mallet instrument, and over the past four years I've been able to become a better musician on almost every percussion instrument. Now that summer is right around the corner and graduation is at the end of the year, I will only have the opportunity to play drum-set and other battery percussion because they are more accessible than mallet instruments.
I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have studied under a great percussion professor and to have performed along side some of the best musicians and friends! Without all of these wonderful people I wouldn't have come as far as I have. Thank you everyone who has supported me throughout this amazing musical journey!
Along with my senior recital, I also donated over ten inches of hair to Locks of Love! I haven't done this in a few years and decided that someone else could benefit from the mess of hair I didn't want anymore.
Well, that is all I have to say in this post without making it drag on. It's good to be back in the blogging world! With all of these events finished I'll finally have time to sit down and put effort into creating some good posts.
God is good!
So glad you are back in the blogging world! :)