Monday, October 28, 2013

What a Semester

This semester has been more than interesting, it's been chaotic and exciting!  As stated in a previous post, the beginning of this semester started off rough.  I've never had such a rough start to a semester as I did this August.  Luckily, and with God's grace, I've made it over half way and can see the light!  Every day of practicum encourages me to become a better teacher and person; I'm always trying to figure out how I can improve my leadership skills for the benefit of the students.

What's ironic is, I've always told myself that I didn't want to teach at the middle school level, that it was an awkward age group to work with.  But as this semester progresses, my love for the middle school band/music program increases.  After the first week of being in the school system I fell in love with middle school  band.  My dream job as of now is to teach beginning band, in order to instill a passion for the arts into the minds and hearts of the students that pass through my classroom.  I understand that every child's life is different, and situations at home can vary.  This is one of the main statements that has pushed and encouraged me to make my future classroom a safe haven of sorts; one that children can come to, knowing that they are genuinely cared for, and having a great outlet such as learning/playing quality music.  I never envisioned myself teaching at the middle school level, but now I can't wait to get out into the field and start!

My academic to-do list is becoming shorter each and every day, which makes me ecstatic.  For some reason I thought it would be a "great" idea to put every major project and assignment into this list right away, which it was to an extent.  Doing this back in August only made the stress level rise, as I could see everything that was standing between then and Christmas break.  As Christmas break nears, this list gradually shortens...woohoo!  This semester has been so busy; with PASIC rehearsals late at night, a full course load, working with the Marching Mustangs, and balancing homework and practice time, my life has been consumed by "school".  I feel as if I'm being torn in two directions, school one way and life the other.
(A typical week this semester; minus a few events)
Christmas break is right around the corner and will be a great boost in life...less then fifty days!!! Until then, I need to keep my head high and my hopes up, being thankful for everything God had done and will do in my life.

~This song has been laying on my heart, please enjoy~

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13


  1. Staring at your calendar makes me feel overwhelmed! You can make it through... you've already made it over halfway! You're doing great! :)

  2. Hey Stephanie! Bailey @ Becoming Bailey told me about your blog, so I wanted to come say hello! Your semester schedule looks nuts, but I know God will give you the strength you need to get it done!


  3. Thank you all! I'm looking forward to Christmas break and having some down time to spend at home and with the hubby :). Chelsea, I'm eager to start looking at your blog! Anchors Aweigh,...My mom was in the Navy, so I'm super bias for that branch of the military :D
