Friday, May 2, 2014

Good News Comes in Twos

Short, sweet, and to the point is tonight's post.  As the title says, Good News Comes in Twos, and that is exactly what happened today!  I received an email a few days ago stating I needed to go to the music office to pick up an award; I would have known this if I was in Recital Assembly, but thankfully do not have to take that class again.  I swung by the office before leaving campus and found out that I'd received the Charles E. Simons Alumni Scholarship for musicianship/excellence!  I now have enough scholarships to afford the majority, if not all of my last semester of college.

The second good news was finding out my first Student Teaching placement.  I've been patiently waiting to hear from Teacher Ed. Services about this for weeks, and this evening I actually got a voice mail from the band director himself!  The placement is a little drive away from Henderson, but I'm not complaining because the program I'll be working with is amazing and one of the top band programs in the state of Kentucky!  This particular director also worked with my high school band program multiple times when I was in it.

God is so good and his blessings are bountiful!

One more thing - two more days until our one year wedding anniversary!  Time flies by when you're having fun!


  1. Yay Stephanie!!!! I can't wait to see you soon! :)
