Thanksgiving week has arrived and it was definitely worth the wait. This week has been great, being able to spend some down time with family and to just relax. This was the first time we have taken Gracie on a long road trip and it was interesting; she was pretty good for the first half of the trip, but started to meow and scratch at her carrier about an hour into the drive. I took her out of the carrier and her personality turned into a dog! I had the carrier on my lap, in which she decided to lay on top of it and look out at the road and up at the stars for the rest of the trip. We haven't had her for long, but she has been one of the sweetest animals I've ever owned. I'm so glad she is our first pet!
Thanksgiving day was amazing; we all slept in, had Thanksgiving lunch, rested all afternoon, played cards and games all night, and decided to go shopping around 10 pm to see what deals we could get on early Christmas gifts.
(The shopping that night wasn't as bad as we had anticipated either, we were only out for about an hour and a half before arriving back home). I always feel so at home when I'm with the Owen family, I couldn't have been blessed more to have married into such a wonderful, loving, and caring family as them.

Another highlight of this week was getting to see Catching Fire, which I would rate a five out of five stars. I think the producers did a fantastic job of following the plot closely to the book without changing much. Watching the movie made me want to re-read the entire series all over again! Mockingjay is going to be an awesome ending to the movies as it was to the trilogy.
I'm looking forward to Christmas break and all the blogging that I'll be able to accomplish! As this week comes to a close, we should all remember what we are thankful for and continue to take this thankfulness with us the rest of the year.
It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! :)