It has been found! The evil source of our spider, flea, and other pests problems! All morning our cat Gracie couldn't be found and I would have to coax her out of wherever she was hiding. Tired of coaxing her I finally decided to try and find her secret hiding spot. A quick look throughout the apartment led me to our bedroom closet where she was snuggled up in the back corner on a box. As I went to get her from the corner I heard the faint sound of wind. Moving the hubby's trombone and a cooler revealed the source; the hole where the dryer hose is suppose to connect, leading directly outside where there is a small field.
I quickly covered it up so no more pests could take shelter in our apartment and went to the office to fill out a maintenance request. I was so thankful I found it before Gracie could squeeze through it or any more bugs could come inside. Also because pest control is coming at the end of the week to spray outside, which definitely would have attracted more insects inside.
I'm guessing this was overlooked when we moved in because it was pouring rain that day and we were all trying to get things inside as fast as possible
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
"Creepy" Content Included:
Rant time. I've mentioned in previous posts before how much I love our new apartment and town.... What I haven't mentioned is how much I hate the arachnids that have come to greet us and say hello. We've lived here a little over a month now and I've noticed an uncanny number of creepy-crawlies, everywhere! I've told myself time and time again that I'm not that afraid of spiders, but this has started to get out of hand.
Today alone, Earlier this night I've found three, let me repeat, three spiders; all of which were different in size and shape. I'm done! My subconscious is screaming "RUN!", but sadly I keep finding them. I've noticed probably around fifteen spiders all together since we lived here, but they've typically been spread out over a few days or so, which isn't as bad. This is ridiculous!
All thesesredips, (I don't even like typing the word) are driving me insane, haha. I know they help with other pests, and I respect that, but I don't like finding numerous ones in a period of a few hours. This overwhelming occurrence could be caused from the pest exterminator who came by this morning yesterday morning and sprayed insecticide in certain areas of each room... Now it's going on 3am and I'm wide awake because all I can think about is spiders under the bed...End rant.
All these
Anyone else have an deathly fear of arachnids? I definitely know I am now.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Surprise Visit
Sunday night I received a phone call from one of my best friends, Ashley, asking if she could come visit for a few days. I hadn't seen her in over a month so the answer was obviously yes! Within a few hours she was at our apartment and the excitement and fun began.
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Blue is mine, yellow is hers. |
A brief history of our friendship. I met Ashley back in high school in our Music Theory class. She was the "new girl" in the class and no one was courageous enough to go up and introduce themselves, so Ms. Outgoing me skipped over to her and welcomed her to CHHS and the band room. Our friendship quickly blossomed and grew as we continued to know each other more and more. Come to find out we were both huge nerds and goofy as could be! As the years passed by she went from being the friend I knew from music theory to the little sister I never had.
Early week fun. Back to the main focus of this post... Sunday night was spent playing Mario Kart 8 (ridiculously fun on the WiiU), shopping at Walmart, and catching up on all of the mishaps that have occurred over the past month. Monday was the only full day we had to spend together, so we spent it like most friends would...doing laundry all day, swimming, walking down the riverfront and having fun! We read most of the historical signs, took a lot of selfies (I despise that word) photos to capture the memories, and continued to catch up on everything.
Unfortunately our time together was short and she had to go home for their family vacation. I"m very blessed to have a friend like her in my life. She has always been there for me, she's been my shoulder to cry on, a friend when times are good and when times get tough, and an overall great person to be around. It may seem like ages pass between our visits with one another I know our friendship will always remain.
She just started a blog and I'm wanting to help her get some followers!
Her blog is Summer Come True.
She is taking a trip to Arizona in a few days so there will be some great stories posted on there!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
New Beginnings
It has been three weeks since we moved to our new town and I love it! To be honest, I didn't think I would enjoy living here at first, but once we got settled in and adjusted it began to feel like home. It feels like my hometown but on a smaller scale, and there is a river front!. Some of my favorite things about this new apartment are: there is a small yard in the front, a pool, a tree, and no parkway right outside! Yes, I said parkway... Our last apartment was right off a parkway and there was always traffic. We never heard the birds chirping because of the traffic noise 24/7. Now we have some peace and quiet and can hear nature.
Along with enjoying the new town and apartment, we have also began seeking a new church. We really want to find a church that is similar to our old one (The Journey Church), one that is contemporary and geared towards unchurched people. One that welcomes everyone no matter what background they have, where they come from, how they dress, etc...
For me, trying out a new church can be intimidating, scary, exciting, and so many other emotions all tied together. That's exactly how I've felt during this transition, but I know God is going to lead us in the right direction. If you've known me for any amount of time you know that I'm a go-getter and always want to get involved and invested right away. The downside to this attribute is I don't give myself enough time to fully understand certain situations and get "comfortable" with surroundings. The past few Sunday's have had me nostalgic about being involved in music ministry, but I realize that I need to take baby steps in getting involved. You have to walk before you can run, right?
Along with enjoying the new town and apartment, we have also began seeking a new church. We really want to find a church that is similar to our old one (The Journey Church), one that is contemporary and geared towards unchurched people. One that welcomes everyone no matter what background they have, where they come from, how they dress, etc...
For me, trying out a new church can be intimidating, scary, exciting, and so many other emotions all tied together. That's exactly how I've felt during this transition, but I know God is going to lead us in the right direction. If you've known me for any amount of time you know that I'm a go-getter and always want to get involved and invested right away. The downside to this attribute is I don't give myself enough time to fully understand certain situations and get "comfortable" with surroundings. The past few Sunday's have had me nostalgic about being involved in music ministry, but I realize that I need to take baby steps in getting involved. You have to walk before you can run, right?
Does anyone else feel like this when trying a new church, or organization?
What are some of the feelings you experience with transitions in life?
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