Along with enjoying the new town and apartment, we have also began seeking a new church. We really want to find a church that is similar to our old one (The Journey Church), one that is contemporary and geared towards unchurched people. One that welcomes everyone no matter what background they have, where they come from, how they dress, etc...
For me, trying out a new church can be intimidating, scary, exciting, and so many other emotions all tied together. That's exactly how I've felt during this transition, but I know God is going to lead us in the right direction. If you've known me for any amount of time you know that I'm a go-getter and always want to get involved and invested right away. The downside to this attribute is I don't give myself enough time to fully understand certain situations and get "comfortable" with surroundings. The past few Sunday's have had me nostalgic about being involved in music ministry, but I realize that I need to take baby steps in getting involved. You have to walk before you can run, right?
Does anyone else feel like this when trying a new church, or organization?
What are some of the feelings you experience with transitions in life?
Starting a new church can be so scary! I pray that you make wonderful connections quickly! :-)