Friday, June 20, 2014

"Creepy" Content Included:

Rant time.  I've mentioned in previous posts before how much I love our new apartment and town.... What I haven't mentioned is how much I hate the arachnids that have come to greet us and say hello.  We've lived here a little over a month now and I've noticed an uncanny number of creepy-crawlies, everywhere!  I've told myself time and time again that I'm not that afraid of spiders, but this has started to get out of hand.

Today alone, Earlier this night I've found three, let me repeat, three spiders; all of which were different in size and shape.  I'm done! My subconscious is screaming "RUN!", but sadly I keep finding them.  I've noticed probably around fifteen spiders all together since we lived here, but they've typically been spread out over a few days or so, which isn't as bad.  This is ridiculous!

All these sredips, (I don't even like typing the word) are driving me insane, haha.  I know they help with other pests, and I respect that, but I don't like finding numerous ones in a period of a few hours.  This overwhelming occurrence could be caused from the pest exterminator who came by this morning yesterday morning and sprayed insecticide in certain areas of each room... Now it's going on 3am and I'm wide awake because all I can think about is spiders under the bed...End rant.

Anyone else have an deathly fear of arachnids?  I definitely know I am now.

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