I intentionally didn't make any New Year's Resolutions, especially the typical cliche' kind. Every time I try and do them, they always fail a few months into the year. Instead, I've come up with a few goals that I'm going to continuously remind myself to do, in hopes to become a better person, a better friend, and a better follower of Jesus.
- Put God at the top of my priority list. This seems to be a goal for me every year, but this year it is going to be different. God isn't going to be a "thing" on my to-do list any more. He is going to be the person I meet with on a daily basis, to talk with, pray with, and live with. It's three days into the new year and so far I've been doing well with this goal, now it's time to continue what God has started in my life....for good!
- Let go and don't hold grudges. I was much to blame on doing the opposite of this last year. Being hurt emotionally left my mind to wonder, accuse, and hold grudges that I should have never let happen. I heard a quote a while back that went something like this, "Holding a grudge against someone is essentially allowing them to live rent free in your mind." Who wants to let someone live rent free? I don't, and I'm sure tired of letting things like grudges tear my mind apart. Holding on to grudges is only going to haunt and bother me. For this year, I'm setting a goal of letting go and not holding grudges.
- Forgive,...Always. Many people think that forgiveness is a one-time deal and then things go back to the way they were. I know first hand that this is not true. I failed this goal last year, and even though I'd tell myself I had forgiven, deep in my heart I still held anger and pain. This year will be different, and very full of forgiveness, even when it's hard to do. My church did a sermon on forgiveness back in July of 2012, and I'm glad I took notes. Here are some of the points that I wrote down from the sermon:
- Ephesians 4:25-31
- When you forgive you don't get even, you get ahead.
- It is foolish to hold a grudge, it'll hurt you more than you know.
- Forgiveness isn't a one time shot. It's a repeated act of not getting even.
- Forgiveness is what you have to do, restoring trust is what the other person has to do.

I think your goals are great! I can't wait to see how this year goes for you!