Thursday, January 30, 2014

Two Weeks Too Long

It seems like it's been forever since I posted last, and quite a bit has happened.  I wont drag this post out too long but I do want to have a post for today!

Shortly after posting my last entry I visited my hometown to see my family and two best friends.  It was a great visit with some fun happenings and good laughs.  My grandpa had no idea that I was coming home, so I decided to surprise him; I picked him up from work on Saturday morning after staying the night with my friend Ashley.  I'd parked my car in front of the main entrance to his work and had the sun visor down to cover my face when he'd walk out.  This normally wouldn't have tricked him, but the best part was that me and my mom have the same make and model of cars, just slightly different colors.  He walked out of work and looked at my car questionably, not recognizing who it was behind the wheel.  I slowly raised the visor up and he got the biggest smile I haven't seen since my wedding.  He then walked took off in a brisk walk to the passenger side and got in, saying "I didn't know you were coming home, I thought you were you mom!!!".  What a great surprise!  I love visiting family and friends, I always come back refreshed and relaxed.

Next to vising home, I've transitioned into my new practicum placement very well.  It's a great school with great teachers and students, and I'm glad to spend this semester there.  One of the best things about it is it's only a few miles down the road from where we live, so me and Michael are saving on fuel money.

Last but least, a few days ago one of my best set of mallets, A. Putnams, broke.  I wasn't expecting one of them to snap so soon seeing as I just bought them at PASIC, but it did.  I tried to get just one replacement mallet through the company I bought them from, but unfortunately they only sell them in a set of four.  After a few phone calls and emails I was finally able to get the situation settled.  The best part is, Amy Putnam herself replied to all of my emails and is setting me up with a replacement mallet for the broken one, and the other three to be re-wrapped for a cheaper price the a brand new set. (Amy Putnam is the creator of these mallets by the way).

Hopefully it won't be this long between posts next time...but it's hard to tell with a ridiculously busy schedule.  Here's to a great weekend and even more productivity!

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